KillHouse_RulesThis came across a newsfeed recently. I think it is awesome! They may be a little blunt but they easily fit the rules for life. Taken from a combat setting, they can be applied to the every day World without much adjustment.

There have been many posts about wanting “safe places” and trying to twist situations for their own benefit. One example are those who feel they can claim their opinion as the only correct way and are offended to the point of taking legal action when offended. The mother who can’t believe that her son could ever do anything bad is another example.

Now, I will completely agree that it is very beneficial to have a support system, but…

The more important point is that people need to make sure they are working to their fullest BEFORE calling upon their support system. A few things like a vehicle breakdown or emergency room trip should use the support immediately. Even those are based on the degree of severity. I can’t fix many things on a vehicle but I can change a tire (and the oil) and make sure that those tools are included in the vehicle. If I can’t manage the situation, then I’ll call upon the support system. The recognition that no one is coming to save me is a mindset that can be established in these little incidents to be enabled in more serious situations.

Which brings us to the idea that YOU are responsible for everything. This, to me, clearly means that you must act on everything that happens and be held accountable to everything that you do. When the time comes, do you run toward danger or away from it? This is an extreme example but accurate for a society that has had many active shooter incidents. Have you trained well enough to be helpful is this situation or are you a hindrance? In daily life, this rule fits into things as simple as cleaning your room or taking out the trash. If you see that it needs to be done, do it. If you have to be told, you’re sheeple and not a warrior.

Save those who need to be saved fits simply into any bullying situation. If you, as a warrior, don’t stand with the person being bullied, then you are not a warrior. Be aware of the “educational beat down” (see Rory Miller’s “Facing Violence”), because that is NOT something to get involved with. Those who don’t respond when others are in need, don’t fit the warrior way. If you don’t at least call 911 to report the disabled vehicle, you are not being responsible. I will agree that family safety comes first but not calling to inform of the vehicle and provide mile-marker information is cowardly.

I really don’t encourage killing but this next rule can easily be applied to stopping bullies, reporting disabled vehicles and protecting those who have had “one too many” from possible ugly situations. Standing up with those who need help is as good as killing those who need killing.

Personally, I see “always keep working” in the same light as keep learning, challenge yourself, don’t stop getting better. In an emergency situation, moving from one problem to the next and getting the most accomplished is called triage. This is where all of your training and knowledge is put to the test AFTER he fact. I promote that you make sure that your training will stand up to the test but making sure you have everything you need ready to go and have conducted stress testing to reinforce it.

If you work these rules into daily life, your preparation to handle adversity will increase exponentially. You will probably enjoy life more as being of service to others is important.

Author: Master Robert Frankovich

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