As a student entering into her eighth year of [Pine Tree Taekwondo] –
Sondra said she has learned so much from [Pine Tree Taekwondo] and her instructors. It is a place I have learned a way of life and respect for others, which I use in everything from competing in different sports (Swimming and Golf) to the classroom and with my own friends. As a result of my Taekwondo training in [Pine Tree Taekwondo], I have a different network of friends and a way and place for me to relax and blow-off steam. Over my years at [Pine Tree Taekwondo], I have had friends who have been in other Taekwondo schools (Park Institute, ATA or Karate school), they don’t seem to value their training as much as I have; many of them don’t remember their forms. They were only involved in their school for a short period of time and have quit and have not returned or even talk about returning. It has made me glad that I have stayed with [Pine Tree Taekwondo] and thankful that they recognize that I am involved in other things in my life; and encourage me to continue my training as a way of life, and not some passing whim.
Sondra Isom
(Future Black Belt)

Author: Master Robert Frankovich

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